Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Public transit advocates share ideas in Grand Rapids

MLive.com: "• Heartwell on the role of public transit: "Transit is about connecting people to jobs. A city lives or dies based on its ability to get people to work."

• Varga on holistic, multi-modal transportation planning: "The city and the society that only picks the car is going to choke to death."

• Heartwell on the city parking system's evolution to Mobile GR: "I have the authority to appoint people to the city's Parking Commission. So who did I put on the Parking Commission? This guy (pointing to Varga) and three other transit-oriented (people). We use those appointments to help break down some of those barriers."

• Heartwell on government's role in fostering public transit: "Risk taking must distinguish our work. What was preposterous last week could be the norm next week."

• Heartwell on obesity in Michigan: "We could all stand to pedal or walk to work, or even just walk to the bus stop.""

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